Tuesday, January 08, 2008

What to say

I would like to point you to a great post written by my buddy D. Here he talks about hope. I encourage you to read it.

As for me. Well I have zero deep thoughts today. I didn't get past the first round in fantasy football again this year. Oh well it happens. Christmas and New Years were great execpt for when I got sick. Everything else is just kind of moving along.

The past few days I have been kind of bla. You know that feeling where you wonder what's going on. Am I living life or am I just riding down the streams of life going where ever the current takes me. I guess everyone few months or so I have some good down time and some time to reflect on everything. How my ministry is going? how my relationships with others are? Am I being a good father and husband? am I happy with where I am? Do I feel burnt out? Reflection is a major part in my life. I love to be able to take some time to just sit and reflect on life. I don't want to just wander aimlessly around, but to have a goal set in mind. If I aim at nothing I will surly hit it.

Well back to sitting here and thinking about everything. I like thinking sometimes, but I try not to make a habbit of it.

1 comment:

Dylan said...

Hey, thanks for the link, buddy. I agree, it's nice to have some down time every once in a while. As for your questions of being a good father and a good minster, I would say the answers are both unequivocally "yes." I miss ya man and I hope to talk to you soon.